Before & after freeze pics Jan 2018. What fared the best?
In the next few days we are expecting the worst cold snap since 2010 here in Florida. I am posting this in advance so we can take pics to document the effects on our bananas and compare. I hope many will join in for some real life comparisons of different varieties. Please put your before and after pics in the same post (It makes it easier to compare instead of scrolling through dozens of posts) and try to take them from the same place for proper comparison. This should prove useful and sad...
If you lose your head and give up, you neither live nor win.
Varieties I supposedly bought: Manzano, Cavendish, Blue Java, Sweetheart, and Gros Michel.
What it seems I actually have: Brazilian, Cavendish, Namwah, Dwarf Red, Gros Michel, Pisang Ceylon, Veinte Cohol and SH 3640, and American Goldfinger. FHIA 1, Paggi and FHIA 17... Always room for one more.