Thread: E-Bay Warning
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Old 03-04-2008, 04:17 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Default Re: E-Bay Warning

Okay, here's the responce I got from the seller today (FINALLY) about the banana plants!

"Hi Josh, Guess I already answered about the email. Since my webtv died and I have not gotten another or a computer yet, I am currently without an email address. On the other hand, going directly through ebay eliminates spam. I used to waste so much time going through useless junk and then sometimes delete something that was important. I don't miss that. As for the bananas, I am afraid you are killing them with so much water. In winter they should be grown somewhat dry. In the heat of summer it is ok to water daily. Yes, the red velvet banana is grown from seed. If you let them dry out and the bulb is not rotted, they will grow back and you may even find it will sucker tiny plants beside it to give you an earlier colony. Happy gardening, Trudy"

and my responce:
"Wish you had stated that before, but have actually tapped into the information with my friends at (you should check it out). You stated on the auction they're ready to be planted and placed into a sunny location, when in fact they're too young, and nor should they be put into the sun at all, but in indirect sunlight. They are also no where close to being ready to plant until they're at least 12" tall (which now that I've been told that, makes PERFECT sense.

But I do have an issue with one of the plants you sent me as it started to die BEFORE being put out into the sun. Also, I'm in Central FL on the coast, you do know that it's 80+ here right now? There's plenty of heat. Anyways, I'm wondering if you'll remedy the dying banana that you sent me? Here's a link to the post I've made with everyone there about this situation thus far!

Here is the link below. I also have pictures there of the plants you shipped to me. I think that the one on the left will survive, but the one on the right is not going to. You really need to change your auction to state valid information (like they need to grown MORE before planting and NOT that they're "planting ready")."

I'm also a seller (and use to be a big seller) on ebay (not with plants though) and for someone to sell and not have a computer much less a phone. OMG how would someone do it? This is the day of technology. Phones (esp. cells) and computers are a necessity these days!
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