Re: Musa Itinerans var. Gigantea
Dang.. well seems reliable according to reviews of many other plants so I am hoping for the best. Only the 1 that appears to be sprouting is in the bag.. the rest are in the jar. Apparently some seeds actually do take years to germinate.. so if nothing happens and I give up all hope, I'll just put them in a shady area this summer in the jars and see what happens. Worth a shot at least.
Growing: Ensete ventricosum 'maurelli', Musa balbisiana 'Thai Black', bordelon, basjoo, Dwarf Cavendish, Dwarf Orinoco, itinerans var. itinerans, lasiocarpa, orinoco (tall), saba, sikkimensis 'Red Tiger', TaNee, zebrina, VDN (green), 1000 fingers, praying hands, ornata purple, veluntina, french red, super dwarf cavendish, dwarf iholena, red iholena, balbisiana (yellow), kru, mananzo, zebrina var. gran nain.