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Old 03-12-2018, 09:26 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Default Re: Post offices and bananas

Originally Posted by sputinc7 View Post
I am amazed there is no company around doing "craft" bananas... Selling them over the internet even... I know a couple fruit companies are offering a few kinds, but their prices are so high they aren't getting around to too many people. Teach people what Gros Michel bananas are and they will pay premium prices for them. If I still lived in Illinois where there is no way I could grow my own, I would pay $2 a pound, maybe more to have them on occasion. (I am in Florida and still would..Other varieties as well.) Florida / Caribbean won't work, with the hurricanes and all. No way to have a reliable source... Great idea for someone with the capital and connections to think about.
After reading your comment I found a company out of Miami called "Miami Fruit". They sell various locally grown fruit over the Internet at $100 to $200 for a 15lb box delivered by post. That's expensive!
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