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Old 04-09-2018, 10:05 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Default Re: What Should I do with Multiple Pseudostems

Originally Posted by DucksinOr View Post
I bought this Banana a little over a week ago and it got planted today. It has 4 different pseudostems (the tallest is about three feet tall); I know ideally there should only be one at this size. I am wondering what should I do with all the pseudostems?


Thanks for the help
Hey DuscksinOr,

I wasn't able to open the image link you posted, but I can still give you some info on this. All non-seeded bananas rely on new shoots to reproduce, since they are seedless. A single plant will eventually go on to produce an entire stand of plants, which are often called a "mat." So, it's very common to have multiple pseudostems growing in the same container. If you're hoping to get fruit, however, I would recommend not having more than two other pseudostems growing with the main one. The more pseudostems there are growing in the pot, the more crowded and dwarfed the main plant will become. If you've got 4 about the same size, the best thing to do would be to divide them and put the strongest one in a pot by itself. It will take about 2-3 weeks to get back up to speed, but without the crowding, they take off!

Having multiple pseudostems that are about the same height and size is most common I've seen in super dwarf varieties like Truly Tiny or Super Dwarf Cavendish. I hope this helps!
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