Re: Musa Itinerans var. Gigantea
Update.. I think the one in the pic died but I see another sprouting and this time I will not touch it! That may be what killed the other one (roots being destroyed). When the seeds get the fungus looking stuff it means they are growing.. at least I am learning. Will upload pictures when it gets some green on it.
Growing: Ensete ventricosum 'maurelli', Musa balbisiana 'Thai Black', bordelon, basjoo, Dwarf Cavendish, Dwarf Orinoco, itinerans var. itinerans, lasiocarpa, orinoco (tall), saba, sikkimensis 'Red Tiger', TaNee, zebrina, VDN (green), 1000 fingers, praying hands, ornata purple, veluntina, french red, super dwarf cavendish, dwarf iholena, red iholena, balbisiana (yellow), kru, mananzo, zebrina var. gran nain.