Originally Posted by natedogg1026
Any suggestions on a pesticide for spider mites? I've gone as drastic as spraying with 7 bi-weekly but I'm still having problems! Any help would be appreciated.Thanx-Nate
Hi sorry to hear about your spider mite problem,,ok first of all I battle these guys every winter and all the soap and water in the world wont do anything to your mite problem and almost all the other stuff that is on the market does not work very good either,,I work at a greenhouse were we grow all of our own stuff like 9000 mum plants ,10,000 poinste,,or how ever you spell that word ,,the christmas plant ,so every possible chemical is avalible to me for whatever insect problem we might be having and threw all the chemicals that i have used over the years,,Avid is the best out their to kill your spidermites,Avid is specially made just for spidermites and it works great,,but remember with almost all chemicals try and spray on a cloudy day so for not to burn the leaves of your plants.But their is one problem somewhat recent down in florida they have discovered a new mite that has been brought over from over seas,,it has been found on a few palms so far down in florida,,,and they are really worried because nothing kills this spidermite NOT EVEN AVID!!!!! Hope this was of some help,_Jason.