Thread: Spider Mites
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Old 03-08-2008, 12:01 AM   #21 (permalink)
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Default Re: Spider Mites

Originally Posted by jason View Post
I was lead to beleive that Spinosaid, the bacteria was used mostly to kill the eggs of the hard to get rid of white flys,,I have never heard of it getting used for anything else,,all is I know is that when the white fly lays its eggs on the under side of plants leaves that this bacteria goes into the egg and feeds on the white fly egg in return killing it before it can even emerge ?????
It not only attacks insect eggs, but larvae such as caterpillars.

The citrus leaf miner, a few varieties of mites and other insect pests can be difficult to purge because the tiny eggs are laid inside the leaf structure. Topical pesticides really don't have much effect. Systemics like Isotox work well, but can't be used on edibles. But to the Spinosaid bacteria, the leaf structure is more like a trellis which is penetrated with ease. I use it once per month for 6 months starting in March or April. However, it is not enough. I also spray once per month staggered 2 week later with a pyrethrin.
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