Thread: Spider Mites
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Old 03-08-2008, 07:03 AM   #22 (permalink)
Northern Tropics
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Default Re: Spider Mites

I've had the best luck with insecticidal soap, mixed according to label directions, misted with my fogger in the greenhouse. But you could spray it on too just as long as you get good coverage, top and bottom of leaves. Spray it early in the morning or at least a time when the plants aren't in bright sun.
Do this once or twice a week, even though it's a pain in the rear, and it will help. And it won't kill you either, price wise or otherwise, and you can get it locally at lots of stores.
We went on vacation for a week last year in August and it was 100 degrees and we didn't have misters in the greenhouse yet and my daughter was watering for me. She overwatered everything the year before and it was all practically floating when we came back and so I told her this time not to overwater like before. But I didn't realize it was going to be 100 degrees the whole time we were gone! with the exhaust fans running in the greenhouse all day long, the humidity in there was like 20 percent. When we came back, it looked like Halloween in there with all the webs!
Sandy Burrell

Northern Tropics Greenhouse
1501 East Fuson Road
Muncie, IN 47302

specializing in bananas, heirloom tomatoes and water gardening plants~
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