Re: Japanese Beetle attack
EH.. Only a few anal retentive types really care much... Most of us are more easy going plus we mostly just hit the " new posts" button on top to see what's new anywhere on the boards... Don't sweat it.
BUT.. Don't do it again or the fine is 10,000 banana bucks!
If you lose your head and give up, you neither live nor win.
Varieties I supposedly bought: Manzano, Cavendish, Blue Java, Sweetheart, and Gros Michel.
What it seems I actually have: Brazilian, Cavendish, Namwah, Dwarf Red, Gros Michel, Pisang Ceylon, Veinte Cohol and SH 3640, and American Goldfinger. FHIA 1, Paggi and FHIA 17... Always room for one more.