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Old 08-23-2018, 10:03 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Default Re: Musa Itinerans var. Gigantea

nope but i shuffled the jar around and 3 new ones have sprouted.. will post pics when they grow! and break through the soil! i have learned the key is to wait haha got them almost a year ago.. and with banana seeds the key is to forget about them. they've been in a jar set on a heating pad since i got them and now i leave them outside in the shade.. if they break through the soil this time i will definitely give a detailed description of how i made them germinate
Growing: Ensete ventricosum 'maurelli', Musa balbisiana 'Thai Black', bordelon, basjoo, Dwarf Cavendish, Dwarf Orinoco, itinerans var. itinerans, lasiocarpa, orinoco (tall), saba, sikkimensis 'Red Tiger', TaNee, zebrina, VDN (green), 1000 fingers, praying hands, ornata purple, veluntina, french red, super dwarf cavendish, dwarf iholena, red iholena, balbisiana (yellow), kru, mananzo, zebrina var. gran nain.
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