Originally Posted by edwmax
This morning I mixed 80 g Miracle Grow; 56 g SOP**; 2 Tbsp Epson salt. Then sprayed the Large Nana Patch again. The plants, here, show some improvement with their color since being sprayed Saturday. All of these plants are putting out new cigar leaves; except the 7 plants transplanted to this field last week. ... I know this has been only 3 days, but these plants are still very yellowish, better than last Saturday tho.
Note, I did not see any signs of Nitrogen phototoxicity at the nitrogen concentration being sprayed. There are some leaves with brown edges, but 80% of the plants/leaves had no brown. The brown is from too much water in the ground.
** SOP Note: In this spray I increased the K concentration to 1.25% +/-. The NPK of this mix is .5-.17-.1.25 ... I dissolved 80 g SOP in boiling water for 2 min. Then let cool and sprained though a coffee filter. I had 30% of undissolved SOP (farm field grade) and a net of 56 g in solution. ... Increase SOP measurement by 1.42 to get target weight for solution +/-.
Beam ... hope you wern't booking against me!
edwmax, was this the final update on the mix strength? Also are you using a hose end sprayer with all the MG (powder or liquid) and SOP just dumped in dry? If it's pre diluted with water how many of gallons are you adding the chemicals to? How did the season turn out for you using this foliar spray and how often and are you still using it? Thanks.