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Old 11-19-2018, 09:27 AM   #45 (permalink)
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Default Re: 2018 Banana Patch: Pensacola, Florida

Originally Posted by beam2050 View Post
get your winter hats out fellas, its supposed to be in the mid 30's middle of next week here. wonder if flood lights will help save your bunches. one of these on a pole pointed straight up.

I took no action, and had little damage. My dwarf red, and a "mystery Blue Java" (looks like cavendish type) had a little bit of leaf-edge wilt. Everything else did fine. In fact, I believe my "mystery red" is more likely to be a Rhino Horn Plantain since it did not wilt like my dwarf red. But, I'll have to wait until it blooms next summer. How'd you do?
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