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Old 12-08-2018, 05:48 AM   #58 (permalink)
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Default Re: 2018 Banana Patch: Pensacola, Florida

Thank you for the update, looks like you will have some Christmas bananas! As you may remember, we both have the same Namwa strain. I harvested a small bunch a few months ago, and have had a couple more flowers with huge bunches since. I also have bunches now on Manzano, Dw Orinoco, Dw Red, 1000 hands, Sweetheart, and Goldfinger. Sadly, I think it's unlikely much of it fills out at this point, although some appear to making progress. I am a decent distance south of you near Lakeland, but I'm learning from some of your experimentation for use in later years. Thanks again for the update, and enjoy those Namwas, they are very tasty.
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