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Old 04-26-2019, 04:24 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Drooping Leaves!

My alleged ice cream banana plant leaves are drooping. A few were drooping yesterday but I thought it was the usual course of things and trimmed them off. Today, more are drooping and I'm not sure this is normal. One of the pups has a leaf that is also bent down but it's not at the attachment point to the P-stem so I don't know if it was damage from a mother plant leaf smacking into it or not.

The banana plant gets adequate water and I've hose-watered it the past few days in a row (it often goes a day or two without getting watered, though. I believe it to be in good soil that I had originally prepared with compost and buried fish carcasses (before I originally transplanted the banana 8/2018).

I don't see any discoloration, spots, or insects. I fertilized it with organic fertilizer a few weeks ago.

The only recent change with the plant is that I removed one of the three pups and refilled the area with a good quality soil. I don't think I damaged the mother plant corm and it didn't seem like I removed excess root mass though I'm still learning so I can't be sure.

I'm posting pictures below including a close-up of a leaf and the attachment point of a leaf to the P-stem. The leaves on the ground are chopped up pieces I put over the mulch yesterday. I'd really appreciate any advice anyone might have.

Thank you!



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