Re: Helen's Hybrid Update
As Beam stated large pots will help keep you from over watering. The soil will hold more water without be overly wet and you would then only need to water about every 10 days. ... Get a long stem moisture meter to make sure the soil in the bottom & middle of the pot is near dry before watering. ... Make sure the pot drains very well & fast and do not let it sit in the excess water that drains out.
Remember these are tropical plants accustom to high humidity in its natural habitat. In the home (Airconditioning) and most areas of the US & Can, the humidity is low. So misting the leaves will help to keep the plant from drying out and take on additional water while the roots & corm are growing.
Also, vertical green growth may seem slow. That's because the plant has to grow its corm and roots system. So misting the plant with a weak solution of miracle grow about every 7 to 10 days would help to
supplement nutrients while the corm grows. ... Don't over fertilize the pot and burn the roots. 2 teaspoons of balanced fertilizer in the pot should be good for a couple of months.