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Old 08-21-2019, 10:39 AM   #9 (permalink)
banana cereal killer
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Default Re: Helen's Hybrid Update

Originally Posted by sirdoofus View Post
Another quick question: Beam, you mention TCs - I have just kind of assumed that meant tissue culture clones, however in the context of your advice, I am not so sure I am understanding it correctly. What exactly does TC mean if I am incorrect in my assumption? And if it does mean tissue culture clone, how do they differ from regular seedlings once they are potted in regular potting mix?
i have bought a lot of tc's to plant and not to sell. killed a lot of them learning how to keep them alive. the members here have helped immensely in this department.

well when I see a plant that size in those pots I immediately assume tc. at this point doesn't matter if I am wrong, plants that size need to go in a larger pot. 6'' might do 8" would be better.

sorry about the confusion.

npk of wood ash 0/1/3 to 0/3/7

npk of banana leaf ash 1.75/0.75/0.5
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