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Old 08-30-2019, 08:19 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Default Re: First Macropropagation experiments - Sddarkman619

Hi PR-Giants,

Thanks for your reply as well. I read that on top of removing/killing the main growth point, for maximum output, to identify growth points on the sides of the pared corn and slicing an ‘x’ on each one to obtain multiple growths out of each individual growth point. Not too deep as you don’t want to kill that growth point. However, I have not seen any close up pics to identify those growth points. It was referred to it as the PIF technique.

Then as the pups start shooting off, the bigger ones you are supposedly able to cut off (killing) and then you x in that growth point to get more pups from there. Like you mentioned, this process could go on for eternity.

Do you have a picture of your prepared corn, all pared down and ready to go? I am going to try with and expendable Basjoo I have in order to test the methods discussed.


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