Originally Posted by JoeReal
Early in the morning today, I have grafted Tachina plum. Benny is going to get some next week. You think that Sutter French Prune is big? The Tachina plum although similar in shape and color to the Sutter French Prune, is even bigger, and is juicier and geared towards the fresh fruit market. It is in the unreleased collection of the University of California, and so you will only find this amongst hobbyists.
Even though the Tachina plum can be argued as a prune, because it is European type (
P. domestica) in terms of parentage, it can be called a plum because it is best eaten fresh. The plum moniker indicates that this is designed for the fresh fruit market. But plum or prune, I will try them fresh and dried. Hoping for some fruits in the Fall of next year.