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Old 01-15-2020, 09:28 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Default Re: Musa Green Ensete Ventricosum

I have lots of "pups from ensete ventricosum and wonder when/how to separate from corm. Essentially, how to be sure each plant has roots. The corm was planted at ground level (maybe not a good idea) so the "pups" are all more or less on top. I have taken one corm with pups and added potting mix 1/2 inch deep and will wait a couple of weeks (pups are growing too fasat and I fear will be too big (over 1 foot) so will remove and wash off and hope to see roots attached to them?
OR . . .
I did see one member here who was doing this with a banana and wonder exactly how they did it (forgot who it was - Ty maybe or ????
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