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Old 04-10-2020, 01:09 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Default Re: ok.. so what do i have here..

Originally Posted by smeash View Post
That's great to know! Now im kind of hoping these are in fact dwarf namwa! Propagation is in fact a goal for me, as I have many areas of my yard where a stand of bananas would do well, and really add to the landscape. When I planted my papayas last year, I planted 5 on the south side of my house, and 3 down near the water. those 3 outproduced the ones near my house, but all 3 suffered extreme damage from lack of protection from the north wind. 2 of those are growing back, but one is a goner. The 5 on the south side, never even had a leaf droop or die, and have already set fruit last month! They get far less sun than those down by the water, but it seems the cold protection has propelled them far ahead of the others this year. I would love to interplant some bananas with them as I think the location is perfect to protect from cold. I know I will have to heavily fertilize and pile on the manure as both species are heavy feeders, but I think they would all do well together.
papaya's hate wet feet, they get root rot easily. The higher and dryer the better they do. any pap that i had irrigation on stunted growth or died back in the day, now I actually mound them up some and use mainly native sand mix where they are planted so the water drains quickly. bananas companioned with papaya's does work very well.
Current varieties:
Dwarf Cavendish Fruited , Apple Mansano TC unconfirmed, Rajapuri TC Fruited, Gold Finger TC unconfirmed, Dwarf Namwa TC Fruited, Dwarf Orinoco TC Fruited, Sweetheart FHIA-03 Fruited, Tall Red banana Fruited, Blue Java Fruited, Tall Namwa Fruited, Pisang Raja Fruited, Hua Moa TC Stunted, Dwarf Brazilian Fruited, High Gate unconfirmed, Tall Brazilian Fruited, Kokopo unconfirmed, FHIA-17 Fruited, Dwarf Plantain Fruited.
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