Re: Dwarf Cavendish Leaf Clump Problem
Originally Posted by zachkoro
Some of you who have grown Dwarf Cavendish (Musa acuminata) before have probably bumped up against this problem.
The leaves at some point in time (probably 5 months ago, it's about 3 years old) started growing at a rate faster than the banana can grow up. That means its beginning to clump a bunch of leaves together.
Is this common? How come it's not growing much vertically? the leaves and plant itself looks very healthy, however, I read this might be a common problem for this type of banana.
Any advice?
Yes, it does happen but fruits normal non the less. Seems to happen more often on the "water sucker" plants than the "sword suckers".
Current varieties:
Dwarf Cavendish Fruited , Apple Mansano TC unconfirmed, Rajapuri TC Fruited, Gold Finger TC unconfirmed, Dwarf Namwa TC Fruited, Dwarf Orinoco TC Fruited, Sweetheart FHIA-03 Fruited, Tall Red banana Fruited, Blue Java Fruited, Tall Namwa Fruited, Pisang Raja Fruited, Hua Moa TC Stunted, Dwarf Brazilian Fruited, High Gate unconfirmed, Tall Brazilian Fruited, Kokopo unconfirmed, FHIA-17 Fruited, Dwarf Plantain Fruited.