Re: Sorry, Blue Java is a letdown
Agreed. Except what you are doing - freezing for smoothies - does show off their finest trait. I happened to have a rack of the usual tall Brazilian and Blue Java ripe at exactly the same time, and got to watch responses from about 10 people. Everyone wanted to try the Blue Java, since it was new to us, but I had to "serve" (do the tricky peeling you mentioned, then cut into slices). Everyone raved about them ... but then as the week went on only the Brazilians got hits, nobody went for seconds with the Blues. Me included. I was drawn to the Brazilians. So the blues went into "pre-daiquiris". In the blender, about 50-50, with lime juice, tasted for that just right sweet-sour balance, then frozen in Ziplocks thin enough to break apart. Then when the mood is right for a tasty daiquiri, you just need to add a little cheap rum and bust up the frozen paradise. We had several versions - some with Brazilian bananas (super black over-ripe), some with the blues, some with more soursop, mango, strawberries, etc. When the batch with Blue Java hit the blender, there were comments like, "this one really has great banana flavor".