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Old 07-19-2020, 04:22 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Default Re: Can this rotting stem of a namwah be stopped?

Well, a few weeks later and the namwah is doing quite alright!
The outer layers of the pseudostem continued rotting but this did not seem to affect the corm itself.
It's growth is back to a regular pace and the leaves come out better every time.

I did not do anything except having a peep at what's beneath the soil and putting the plant against a hot, sun-facing wall in an atempt to dry out the old PS as much as possible..

Here are two pics. Sorry about the rotated one, it won't seem to come up right despite many attempts with two different photo editors.

Thanks again for all your help!


Currently growing: Musa Sikkimensis | Musa Veinte Cohol (Hom Thong San) | Musa Namwah Kap Khao | Musa Hom Kreak | Musa Balbisiana 'Atia Black'
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