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Old 07-24-2020, 12:35 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Default Re: NC bananas growing slowwwwww

Originally Posted by pgggg View Post
Hi all, been reading these forums for a bit, but first time posting. I bought some blue java bananas at a nursery, and it had 6-7 chutes which i split. I placed a few in the ground and the rest in buckets including the mother? corm with one sucker. It has been a few months, and the leaves are coming out slowly, 11-14 days for a new leaf as compared to once a week which is what I am reading here is normal. (all the plants seem to be growing at the same rate, including the one I have in the ground) I am getting new green healthy looking leaves, but over 2-1/2 months, while I have noticed I am getting new, healthy leaves, i am not getting much vertical growth. the base of the pseudo stem is a lot wider, and slightly soft if i squeeze it. Everything I read says these bad boys need to get to 10-15 feet to flower and fruit, but at the rate I am going it will take me about 3 yrs to get there. My concern is that it’s the middle of the growing season and things are slow-going.

- also, should i split off the pup? as it seems to be outgrowing the main plant.
Im no expert, but i do agree with BBJoe, yours definitely does not look like blue java. I have a real blue Java, and your has an upward growth habit compared to my BJ, or even my Namwah.. what nursery did you buy it from?
It is common knowledge that most Blue Java purchased at "nurseries" are typically another species. I didnt know either, and ended up with namwah.. which im happy about at least. If you want a real blue java, find it from someone on the forum.. otherwise its a box of chocolates..
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