Thread: Wiki question
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Old 07-25-2020, 06:08 PM   #2 (permalink)
Backyard Banana Joe
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Smile Re: Wiki question

Originally Posted by sirdoofus View Post
Just curiously, what are the rules for adding pictures to Wiki entries? I looked around a bit but didn't find anything specific. Is there a link anyone can point me to?

In the vein that 'more pictures are better than fewer pictures' I was thinking about adding a few to the Helen's Hybrid page because the ones I started from seeds seem to have some slightly different color characteristics than the pics on the wiki currently. Then I started thinking that I can't really say for sure the seeds I purchased and the resulting plants are in fact Helen's Hybrid, even though they were sold to me as such by a seed seller commonly referenced in the forum.

So I though I had better get some guidance from other more experienced members before I do anything rash

The rules are that you can delete or add anything you want (within reason of course).
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