Re: Sorry, Blue Java is a letdown
So I may need to be less harsh than my bunch I reported earlier. My second bunch was much better. Still soft but had more sweetness and pealing it was not as big a hassle. I harvested a little earlier than planned as the p-stem snapped in half and was not recoverable. I didn't prop this one which was a mistake. So maybe they get better as the mat ages or that it was harvested earlier. Anyway, still going to relocate it from its prime spot in my garden and try a FHIA 23 next.
Blue Java, Raja Puri, Goldfinger FHIA-01, Mona Lisa FHIA-02, Sweetheart FHIA-03, Pitogo, Saba, Dwarf Cavendish, Super Dwarf Cav., Namwa, Brazilian, Mysore, Dwarf Red, and a mystery or two