Originally Posted by BananaBytheSea
I just today received an Aeae and a Thousand Fingers banana plant that I ordered from Thailand... 11 days total in transit and customs/USDA.
Upon opening the tube, the packing is not quite what I expected. The plants are approximately 16" in length with the leaves removed, no soil, and totally dry. I was prepared for the corms to be wrapped in wet paper toweling or newspaper, with areas of rot and/or fungus, that would need to be trimmed away, but instead the corms are just totally, completely, and purposely dry. Is this the normal procedure for long duration shipping?
So... do I just stick them in a pot with soil and add water, or is there something special I should do?
Thanks in advance for any information or advice!
Some overseas vendors ship like that to meet phyto specs.
You just happened to get one of those.
Yes ....they are ugly.....but they will still work out.....patience.
tobym has the go to ticket....a few forum members whom get overseas plants do this method to get the roots started.
Some use just clean course sand if perlite is not available
Encanto Farms Nursery is spot on....follow the rules.
Forum member .Hmelendez68
https://www.flickr.com/photos/151124777@N03/albums has done this in the past and quite often and it takes 20-60 days to see progress.
Check out the link....best takeaways and pics .
Do a forum search for his threads......they are step by step.
Do search for Canadian member JP.
This member starts all his corms in clean course sand .
There is some drilling for information to do to!!!
Pm.... if you need more info