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Old 10-02-2020, 06:05 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Smile Re: Post-delivery care & planting of bananas from overseas

Originally Posted by BananaBytheSea View Post
Thanks for all the great information and recommendations everyone! I'm feeling SO much better about my little pups!

I went ahead and removed all dead material from both, trimmed the top a little to remove anything that would block fresh leaves from emerging, planted in 100% perlite, watered, and placed in full sun on my hot deck in mid-80's weather following Mondays cold front. Now the hard part... ignoring for the next 20 - 60 days...

Wish me luck!

Good luck....however you might need to improvise this one thing.
Full sun on a hot deck with mid 80 temps will harm your plant.
Decks will get up to 130 degrees and a black container will kick the temp up even further.
It is like taking a little skinny white kid with red hair to the beach all day with no sunscreen.
You know the rest of the story

Keep the warmth but keep in the shade till a leaf emerges.

Your new plants till go through some more expected changes as it settles in its perlite palace.

Possibly expect your plants to desiccate back to the soil line as the corm put it's energy towards new roots. This will happen soon.

Your plant will be working hard to get its roots before it does anything else.
Good luck on the grow.

Thanx foer asking the question...

Last edited by cincinnana : 10-03-2020 at 05:09 PM. Reason: clarification
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