Re: What is blooming in your garden today (other plants)?
my tulips look like their fixing to bust open(early spring variety), all of my muscari has bloomed, i have hycinths opening and my ornamental plum has buds all over it. my weeping cherry tree looks like it might bloom before the end of next week, and my climbing roses have lots of nice leaves. my peony's are getting tall, my bee-balm is spreading like wild fire, and my iris' are getting tall and the leaves are looking great. found baby leaves on my purple cone flower, and my white and pink dogwoods are finally opening their leaves.when my dogwoods are in full bloom i will plant my tomatoes and strawberries outside. my solomons seal is finally popping their heads up( i really love that plant) and my pop-ups are about 1 ft. tall. need to cut the grass but till the flowers start to bloom im not cause of the honey bees. oh and i have lots of dandylions in bloom.LOL! they are staying in the yard also because of the honey not thrilled with having the dandylions in the yard but the bees are. so they stay.