Thread: The Ideal Mix
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Old 04-01-2008, 06:40 AM   #7 (permalink)
Northern Tropics
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Default Re: The Ideal Mix

I like promix hp (high perlite) with biofungicide. I'm not having any trouble with even seedlings of tomatoes damping off. I don't think the hp has any vermiculite at all, and I'd definitely leave the vermiculite out of a winter/cold weather potting mix. For summer potting, it'd be fine though because it does hold water. I use the same mix in a pgx (plug mix) form to germinate seeds then move them to the regular (more coarse)hp mix.
You could drench your pots with a biofungicide like serenade if you don't use mix with a biofungicide mixed in. You could use it when watering in your plants for the first time, and you could even mix it up and dunk the roots in it before planting to get them well colonized.
Also make sure all your pots, etc are well sterilized. Soak them in 2T/gallon of Physan 20, or use a 1 part bleach to 10 parts water solution for 10 minutes if they're used pots. Might not be a bad idea to soak your cutting/digging tools too.
Good luck!
Sandy Burrell

Northern Tropics Greenhouse
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Muncie, IN 47302

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