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Old 03-02-2021, 10:31 PM   #3 (permalink)
*Dearly Depotted*
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Drummer Re: Can I just use my ceiling lights as my grow light?

Originally Posted by OllieB497 View Post
right so im no expert but ill try answer this question.

So, its all about spectrums. the sun produces a spectrum of light which allows plants to grow. so a plant by a window can grow happily. however, windows affect this and filter the light. this is why plant outside normally do better than plants inside. A ceiling light doesn't produce as much intensity or the wide spectrum. now assuming you have a filament or LED light. LED light can work. they produce a wide spectrum but DOESN'T produce enough for proper photosynthesis. it needs to be intense light also. most plants grow lights are LED or specialised plant LED lights. but depending on what your lights are and the intensity. bananas love lots of light. so a ceiling light plus a bright window may just do it. but, if its just a light it probs will do for winter. just to keep it ticking over but for all year round. it wont do. it could do a low light plant eg a fern or peace lily. banans generally love full sun and can deal with partial sun. they have thick , lush leaves which are made to absorb that light. the banana may alter its appearance eg my musa siam ruby made smaller leave due to the lack of light. so bananas can adapt. but im no expert. my advice google it, see what light you have and maybe buy a nice grow light off amazon. but for summers or spring shove the banana outside and let it absorb the UV and get its tan on.

i hope this kinda helped.

Wow! I’m quite impressed! You’re pretty knowledgeable! Yeah I kind of figured that using my ceiling lights might not work! Oh, well. I do have a little full spectrum light I use but I honestly don’t think it’s enough for all those plants in the one room! I got two windows in that bedroom that do get some sunlight as well. So hopefully they’re getting more sun than I thought! Plus it’s not too long before I can bring them outside in early May! They seem to be doing pretty good! Well, except for the leaning ones you saw on the other thread! Liked your comment of let the bananas get their tan on! I’ll probably buy another couple of lights for next winter! Thanks again for your help! Very kind!
It’s long been a dream of mine to be able to grow real bananas off my own plants! So, please wish me luck on my quest to fulfill that dream!
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