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Old 04-16-2021, 05:31 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Default Re: New Gros Michel Pups Dying?

Agree with all above. These plants should not be fertilized, and if at all a very diluted fish emulsion. TC plantlets are not plug and play so to speak.. my first ones were received in december of 2019.. they stayed in their plug pots under lights for 3 weeks. I would mist them and occasionally water. ater 3 weeks they had grown well, i moved them to one gallon pots and continued the misting/light watering. When they were about 10 inches tall, i started them on a diluted banana fuel fertilizer. They went outside under dapples shade/sun in mid feb, and they went in the ground about the end of march. They were well developed at by that time. I got a second batch of TCs in march, and after 3 or 4 weeks of the same regimen, i tried to rush them and put in the ground. All but one died back to the soil line, at which time i repotted them and moved back to dappled shade. They all recovered and were planted in ground in july of that year. So you have a good chance of saving at least one. You cannot rush TC plantlets.. but if you take your time they will grow once the corm is established. My original TCs are 16 months old now, almost 13 feet of Pstem, and all are fruiting.

This is a year ago after they were planted in ground.

And this is today

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