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Old 04-18-2021, 04:07 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Default Re: Helen's Hybrid Update

Asking for your expertise here - Just wondering if I should cut these down further....maybe to the ground?

(For some reason I can't upload the current images to the gallery right now, so I am including pics from about a week ago. They look substantially the same now except the tops of the p-stems are more shriveled)

The P-stems are still quite firm on the outside and there is even a little green on the outer leaf sheath...however, the middle is a different story. I wasn't really sure how far I should cut them initially, I of course was hoping the p-stems themselves would show some sign of life, but it has been almost a week of relatively warm daytime temps (72-78F, 21-24C, night time down to 38-40F 4-5C - protected overnight - btw my basjoo is growing quite nicely in these conditions without nighttime coverage) and nothing has changed except at the cut as mentioned above.

I am optimistic the corm is still alive and rearin' to go as soon as the soil warms up enough. However, I am wondering if the p-stem height I have left might somehow adversely affect growth, or worse, hold water that could cause rot at the top of the corm.

Am I being too inpatient and paranoid?

If this was in your garden, what would you do?
Who keeps calling me nuts??
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