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Old 04-20-2021, 10:46 AM   #20 (permalink)
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Default Re: Helen's Hybrid Update

So I couldn't stand by and watch the tops of the p-stems continue to shrivel, figured there was no point so I started cutting. Unfortunately I got all the way to ground level and and was left wit this:

Soft, brown mushiness, especially in the center where the meristem would be. I am not so optimistic about the viability of the corm now, but I will of course wait and see what happens over the next month or so as things warm up

It seems strange to me that this plant, even though it is a seedling of potentially questionable heritage, would do so poorly from a cold standpoint given our mild year. I have to acknowledge the possibility the soil I used (landscape supply garden soil with minimal amendment on my part) didn't drain well enough, or being a relatively wet area, wicked up (raised bed) enough moisture to keep the corm over wet and therefore causing rot.

Thankfully I have backups to continue the experiment with and will post more updates if anything of interest occurs.
Who keeps calling me nuts??

Last edited by sirdoofus : 04-20-2021 at 10:47 AM. Reason: clarification
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