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Old 04-06-2008, 11:13 AM   #1 (permalink)

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Default Is there anything on you feel needs improving?

Hi guys,
I'm going over the "to-do" list of things that need attention here on our website.
I'm trying to make the site a bit more user-friendly and I need your help.
Now that we have so many modules and things to do here at, I want to make sure everything works seamless and integrated as best as can be.
Many of the modules are not tied together as best as they could be, for example, in your profile page you can specify what kinds of bananas you grow, but those specifications don't automatically populate the respective wiki pages (yet).
So give it some thought and if you can think of something that has not yet been discussed, or if it has been a long time since it was discussed and it was never addressed nor fixed since, please post it here. I don't think there are many old requests that were not handled, but perhaps something was lost in the shuffle. So remind me if you know of a feature that needs to be improved, and also if you have some new idea to make the site better, please post it here or via PM to me.
This goes for old and new members, everyone's suggestions are very helpful, so please let me know what needs to be looked at and reworked.
I'm prioritizing the "to-do" list and want to get all the ideas and suggestions into it, so now is the time to let me know what you think could be improved here. I've always asked for feedback as many of you know, but I'm just posting this thread as a reminder and to perhaps bring some old and new ideas and suggestions to the surface. Thanks in advance!
Apologies in advance if I am slow to reply to your PM. I suggest posting in the forums for support if you need something urgent.
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