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Old 07-17-2021, 02:37 PM   #1 (permalink)
The Cat Whisperer
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Name: D.A. Hänks
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Joy Final haul of brown road gold!

So here is 40 gallons of the sand/leaf-mulch/worm dirt I scraped off the side of the road. I had already used 10 gallons in one bed, and I think I can get another 10 gallons, totaling 60 before the mine shuts down. So imagine a 55 gallon drum full of this stuff free for the scraping, in the road gutters in a single neighborhood!

This stuff is nutritious, well draining, and best of all, it's free! There is some of this garden gold in your community somewhere; you just have to look for it. I have three raised beds and sixty gallons of worm dirt. That gives me 20 gallons per bed, in addition to the biochar, leaf mold, humus, compost and garden soil already there. Folks, there is plenty of garden soil free for the taking, if you just look for it!

Doug (D.A. Hänks)

The Only Eastern Redwood Forest in America

"Nuke my 'nanners, will you?!"
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