I have never fruited Blue Java but I have fruited plenty of Namwa. So I am not going to say how it looks like Blue Java, but how it doesn’t look like Namwa.
First, the fruit pictured it very blue. Namwa is more green than blue. Namwa have a blue “dusting” or whatever that rubs off (been a couple months since my last bunch so don’t remember for sure). From what I have seen, the skins on Blue Java are blue, they don’t have a coating of blueish silver like Namwa that rubs off.
The fruit shape looks like Orinoco, sort of with a “snout”. Pretty much all bananas have that, but on Orinoco it’s more prominent.
Fruit shape is similar to my young Orinoco fruit, which have the same shape as Blue Java since it’s related, (I think) Orinoco:
The ones in the pictures definitely don’t have the pads on the hands like Namwa. So I would say that it’s Blue Java. Namwa have around an inch to a half an inch pad which Blue Java Hands connect directly to the “stalk”.
sddarkman619, I respect your opinion. I am still learning so maybe you are seeing something I am not seeing. Please tell us why you think it’s Namwa.