Originally Posted by JaredZone9a
I’m still looking for the best pelletized fertilizer. Please post your opinions.
I use black cow/compost as a top dressing. MOP 0-0-62 Granular and Urea 46-0-0 granular every two weeks. There is a ratio sheet on Bananapups.com. I’ve used the 10-10-10 and 15-5-30 in the past when I first started out and it hasn’t personally worked as well. It all just depends on how much you apply and what each plant can take along with your soil and climate. My ratio might not work as well in your zone, but I like seeing my leaves twist just a barely each time they push out. I know I use less on my Iholena’s lol versus something like a Namwa that you can dump tons of fertilizer on.