Originally Posted by Snarkie
I was thinking today, about the time I was riding my MC along the Mississippi River, back in 2002 after a major flood. For miles, there were ponds full of algae where the river had crossed the road and was evaporating. It smelled like rotten blood.
So I'm wondering, would this stuff be a garden additive like sea kelp? I know phosphates cause algal blooms, so if one were to harvest pond scum, dry it and powder it, would this work? Inquiring minds want to know.
Simple answer is yes, algae is full of nutrients, nitrogen being a big one. It smells cause (i tbink) the anaerobic respiration or day. Make it smell or it’s still water making Botulism form.
I own a pond and I just take it out along with the small green things that cover my pond and use it as a mulch. It decays down and is fab. So use it! Just make sure it’s. Not contaminate with oils or anything toxic.