Any Ideas?
So the first ones, in the barrels, I got two from a friend and it turned into 40 or more in a couple years. I bring them in the garage during winter. The big dark green one in the second photo, I got from a friend who is local here in Northern Virginia, he said he cuts them down to the ground for winter and they start popping back up in March. His are 10-15ft +. And the leaves are an easy 6-7ft in length. The third photo is of some "namwa's" or so i was told, but after reading posts on here for 24hr's straight, who knows what I got from that florida place. I am not too familiar with this site yet, so I think I uploaded the photos into the member's gallery. I may use and old photo site account and up load them there and just add the URL's here in the future. I live in the sticks.