Originally Posted by OllieB497
How can you tell?
How to ID a banana is a complicated thing to explain simply with text. The short answer is that I have grown and documented probably around 600+ varieties for the past 18 years, both for myself as a hobby but also professionally, so I am very familiar with these plants. It's like seeing someone you know, it can be hard to describe what exact features you see that tell you that is someone you know, but you just know that person and know what they look like and you don't even really think about it.
If I were to try and break it down, the dead giveaways are a combination of fruit color, bunch orientation, male bud color, male bud shape, plant coloration, phyllotaxy/arrangement of leaves, stature of the plant and pseudostem, and likelyhood of it being found in the context/region presented.