Musa Acuminata - Overpotting and light
I have been reading on this forum for a while now, but this is my first post.
I am based in England and purchased a Musa Acuminata around 2 months ago, which I keep in my bedroom windowsill. Since I purchased it, it has more than doubled in size and is doing very well in an 8 inch pot. It has also thrown out lots of new pups.
Due to space, I need to move it away from the windowsill and place it somewhere else. I have a large planter which is on legs and is 16 inches wide. Would moving the plant at this time of the year be advisable? Is a doubling in pot size encouraging future root rot? I really like the foliage and want to encourage it to grow to its maximum size, which I think is about 6ft.
Also the new planter is slightly away from the window so the plant won't get as much direct sunlight, it will be shaded by the curtains. Will this slow down growth?