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Old 10-31-2021, 07:26 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Default Re: Variegated Basjoo

Originally Posted by bigdog View Post
That is a really cool plant! Congrats on your find. I hope you continue to keep us updated. I think you have planted those three plants WAY too close together though. It's going to be a crowded jungle in a couple of years! I would move the two bordelons and let that variegated basjoo have its own spot with no competition.
Unfortunately the variegated basjoo was a failure to thrive. Due to the variegation the lighter portions of the leaves would burn out and eventually lead to the death of the leaf as a whole. Even in the shadiest part of the garden where it got absolutely zero direct sun. At a certain point it became stunted due to lack of light and the pstem began to get mushy.

I tried to rehab it by putting it into a pot and giving it just morning sunshine and then moving back to the shade before noon, but it was too late.

Those two bordelons will eventually be moved to a sunnier location, they were originally there to help shade and protect the variegated baby
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