Originally Posted by Dalmatiansoap
Hi there,
Ice cream is seedless banana
Ice cream banana has seeds when it is pollinated
Ice cream is seedless banana when not pollinated
Ice cream banana does not self-pollinate
Originally Posted by PR-Giants
It's important to understand sexual reproduction.
Edible banana cultivars that are pollinated can produce seeds.
Edible banana cultivars that are not pollinated don't produce seeds.
Think of a supermarket banana like a supermarket egg.
If a supermarket egg is fertilized it can produce a chick.
If a supermarket egg is not fertilized it doesn't produce a chick.
Here's some photos of three common edible banana cultivars that will easily produce seeds if there's a compatible pollen source within a quarter mile.
ABB Blue Java
AAB Manini A'ea'e
AA Veinte Cohol
The two most common edible banana cultivar seeds I see for sale on the internet are Blue Java and Manini A'ea'e seeds. But you should be cautious because even though those seeds are very easy to produce there's no way to be sure the seeds actually originated from those fruit. And even if they did, it's important to realize they will not produce Blue Java or Manini A'ea'e seedlings. Each seed, if it germinates will produce a new variety and you won't know if these new varieties are seedless or seeded until after they bear fruit.