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Old 04-11-2022, 12:43 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Default Re: Cold Hardy Heliconia

Originally Posted by Robbertico18 View Post
Spectabilis never settled in well, it was lost in shipping for a week when I bought it, so I should have asked for a replacement. I never ended up building a small greenhouse and it fizzled out long before the first frost.

Variegated Nickriensis has two shoots comin up in the front yard

Hot Rio Nites was moved from the backyard to the sunnier front yard last weekend and two clumps are shooting up multiple eyes. The third clump was rotten when I dug it up.

Criswick did not make it through the winter despite being the most cold hardy, I suspect it was lack of sunshine that really did it in.

Rostrata made it thru the winter with some stalks and leaves intact, so I’m hoping for a bloom. It’s planted in the front and was small enough to be covered.

Jamaican dwarf was not as lucky, planted almost right next to rostrata, and I have yet to see any new shoots.

Last but not least Fire and Ice were frosted to the ground but almost immediately started sending new shoots. They were also planted in a very shady location, especially during the winter when the sun is low in the sky.
Thanks. If I were in your situation, I would also grow them indoors under artificial light. You could dig up rhizomes from your outdoor plants and grow them in pots over the winter. Then, in case the outdoor plants don't survive the winter, you would have backups.

Can you give me the name of your Ebay spectabilis seller? I notice that it is available for $85 here:

But, I wouldn't buy it until summer because, otherwise, it might get below 45 deg. F. during transit.

Last edited by aruzinsky : 04-11-2022 at 12:45 PM.
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