Originally Posted by Janelle525
Your bananas look great! Especially considering the heat you have been getting! I was curious do you grow any other fruit trees?
I used to have a massive Meyer Lemon tree that gave me hundreds of giant grapefruit sized lemons (no joke) but it was killed by the 2021 Texas Winter Storm
I've planted another Meyer Lemon tree but it will take years to get to the size my old one was.
I also bought a Navel Orange & Variegated Pink Lemon tree.
I also like growing Melons & Watermelons every year but this year the heat is too intense I'm not getting anything so far.
Also tried growing a peach tree once but the bugs quickly went after it. They would eat the leaves and ruin any fruit. I would have to be spraying it with insecticide for it to work so I gave up on growing peaches.
Thankfully the bugs leave my Bananas alone, only thing that bothers them sometimes are caterpillars making holes on new cigar leaves
I have to keep an eye out for my seedling bananas though.