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Old 06-24-2022, 08:36 AM   #1 (permalink)
Location: Geneva, Florida
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Name: Aaron
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Default Hopi Pale Grey Squash

This year I planted 2 plants of Hopi Pale Grey, with the hopes of getting a decent harvest. To most, 6 plants per vine is considered a good harvest, with them ranging 8 to 10 pounds average, and some approaching 15 if grown optimally. So to my surprise, these have really taken off! I have already picked 3 large ones that have ripened, one of them is 25 pounds, the other 2 over 15 pounds. I have 9 more that size about to ripen, with another 12 coming for round 2...! Wow!
I am really impressed with this squash! For those who have never heard of it, Hopi Pale Grey is a rare squash that more resembles a pumpkin; shaped like a large football. It is considered a dry type, as apposed to the ones you mostly get at fall time in the stores. Its is a very old variety coming from the Hopi Indians of the southwest. It could very well be over 500 years old, and maybe more.. Its an amazing variety, as it can store for more than a year, with some reports of up to 2 years in optimal storage conditions. It is essentially a fresh veggie food bank...
I decided to give it a try and see if it could handle the high heat and humidity of Florida, along with the more intense sunlight, fungal pathogens and diseases, and long summer days. Considering it comes from a drier climate, I wanted to see how it handled a more wet one.
I planted it in a 30×30 area in full sunlight. It outgrew that area, and is now well over 50x50. It is supposed to take 100+ days to ripen, but in my climate it was considerably shorter. I did water them here and there for optimal production.
I will have seed available soon, and will offer them here first, before selling them on other sites.

Last edited by AaronTT : 06-26-2022 at 03:41 PM.
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