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Old 04-15-2008, 07:21 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Default Re: white bird of Paradise alive or dead?

Originally Posted by Cazieman View Post
i have a white bird that i planted last march 07 and it was over wintered outside in ground in Seattle (in city) wa. zone 8b i had protected it every cold spell ( a tarp and bath towels wrapped around the base, it is 4 ft tall hard to cover but is planted next to a 8 ft fence that helped build a canopy), but i got lazy in Jan and didn't remove a blue tarp that covered it and it was wrapped with a towel and big bulb Christmas lights that were turned on every night from 8pm to 5am, honestly i think i cooked it. it had little burn marks on the leaf stems where the bulbs touched. i left it covered with the light routine for 4-5 weeks maybe more? i didn't even check on it. the night temps were not even freezing we had a pretty mild winter this year and i only member having to scrape my car windshield 3-4 times.... odd. snow 3 times for less than 24 hrs. anyways when i went to check on it one night it was really hot under the tarp and i realized the leafs were starting to turn brown, i uncovered it and have left it alone since. i think it really missed the sun light, the leafs kept turning brown for a few weeks and then stopped, now they are only streaked with green on the 2 biggest ones (the smaller ones died down throught the stems, but the other leaf stems are still green. any chance it will throw a new leaf this spring or will it grow a new pup or regenerate from the rhizome? any guesses?? or is this one doomed and i zone pushed too hard? or was it the light and cooking?
is it the tropical kind or is it the native desired bird of Paradise? if its the desired kind i think it will come back they are very tough
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