Thread: Hurricane Ian
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Old 09-29-2022, 12:29 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Default Re: Hurricane Ian

We made it through the storm, that was my first major hurricane, a pretty traumatic experience!
Bananas do not look good. Here are few of them:
Here are the goldfinger bunches. It was the best we could do at the time, though I think I would have put something in between the rope and the banana so it softened the weak point. But it was nearly 100 mph gusts here.

The praying hands went down despite being tied to the fence too. I noticed the bananas had a little yellow on them though so I cut them off and will ripen inside.

This is my largest mat of namwah. We decided to chop the tops off two pstems so they didn't bend down and that proved to be a good idea. I had a bunch in the back there struggling to ripen, the bananas are of poor quality despite such a big healthy mat. Hopefully next year's are better.

That orinoco to the right was the only banana in my yard to look good! lol
Super Dwarf Cavendish, Tall Namwah, Goldfinger, Praying Hands, Raja Pisang, Manzano.

Last edited by Janelle525 : 09-29-2022 at 12:32 PM.
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